The Kick (2011) DVDRip 400MB

The Kick (2011) DVDRip 400MB Rating (imdb):
 from 16 users
Release Date: Movie 2011 (South Korea)
Genre: Movie Action
Stars: K. Kim, Jae-Hyun Cho and Ji-won Ye
Quality: Movie DVDRip

Runtime: 01 : 45 : 43
Subtitle: Please Wait ! Thanks

Download movies for free The Kick 2011 DVDRip .Plot:

A Korean family made up of taekwondo experts moves to Thailand, where they set up a taekwondo gym. However, one member of the family, Taeju, wants to become a famous pop singer instead. The family becomes famous after stopping treasure robbers. 

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The Kick (2011) DVDRip 400MB

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